Fall 2024 - Spring 2025
Thursday K-12th Grade
Day School Classes
Sprouts, K-1st grade (ages 5 to 7)
Instructor: Ms. Alex
Thursday, August 29, 2024 to April 24, 2025, 9am to 2pm
Non-Refundable Tuition: $850 or 4 monthly payments of $212.50 per semester, per student
Plus a $50 Non-Refundable Registration Fee OR $90 Family Fee for 2 or more students
$100 Non-Refundable Supply Fee per semester, per student
$250 Non-Refundable Deposit Per Semester, Per Student Upon Registration (goes towards semester fees and tuition)
At Inspiring Minds we strive to educate our students using a combination of the Lively Arts of
Waldorf, Montessori principles, and mindfulness and inclusivity influenced curriculum. We aim
to educate the whole child: their mind, body, and heart.
During their day the students will spend most of their time with their main teacher exploring
Circle Time/Story Time, Literature, Theatre, Poetry, Writing, Math, Spelling, Show and Tell, and
Art. They will also participate in Movement/P.E. and Gardening/Nature Studies classes with
our those teachers during the day.
This year, Ms. Chelsea, will be using the "Magic Treehouse" book series as the spine for the
classroom lessons. Along with Jack and Annie, our students will meet and go on adventures
with historical figures, learn about current Holidays, meet all kinds of animals (real and
mythical), be introduced to major literary figures, learn about pioneers of science and medicine,
and explore themes of kindness, mindfulness, inclusivity, and love.
Students will be given the opportunity to create artistic depictions of the each week's story
through drawing or painting. During this time, students will also practice writing and spelling.
Math instruction will include a story component, as well as focusing on learning about the four processes of math — addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Students will also be introduced to Roman numerals. Math will be very hands-on and include multiple learning techniques and activities.
Three to four snack times, and outdoor times, will be included in the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus. (PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE A NUT FREE FACILITY!)
Seedlings, 2nd - 3rd grade (ages 7 to 9)
Instructor: Ms. Lee
Thursday, August 29, 2024 to April 24, 2025, 9am to 2pm
Non-Refundable Tuition: $850 or 4 monthly payments of $212.50 per semester, per student
Plus a $50 Non-Refundable Registration Fee OR $90 Family Fee for 2 or more students
$100 Non-Refundable Supply Fee per semester, per student
$250 Non-Refundable Deposit Per Semester, Per Student Upon Registration (goes towards semester fees and tuition)
At Inspiring Minds we strive to educate our students using a combination of the Lively Arts of
Waldorf, Montessori principles, and mindfulness and inclusivity influenced curriculum. We aim
to educate the whole child: their mind, body, and heart.
This year in the Seedlings Class students will be utilizing a nature journal to write, document,
and draw the unique characteristics of biomes found around the world. Each week, we will be
studying the types of animals, plants, and weather from each interesting community. There will
be hands on projects and additional nature stories/subjects to help the children widen their
understanding, appreciation and connection to Mother Earth.
The children will also be writing Animal Research Reports that encourage them to delve deeper,
learning more about specific animals that thrive in these environments.
We will have the opportunity to listen to a local Environmental Scientist who will be sharing
stories about his fascinating work and the many animals that he comes into contact with on a
daily basis!
Our day will also include:
Circle time, spelling, poetry, nature walks, vocabulary, and outdoor play time. We will be ending our afternoon with quiet reading time. Please have your child pack their favorite reading book.
We can’t wait for your child to join us as we explore the natural world around us!
**Students will also participate in Movement/P.E. Class and Gardening/Nature Studies classes with those teachers during the day.**
Three snack times, and outdoor times, will be included in the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus. (PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE A NUT FREE FACILITY!)
Saplings, 4th - 5th grade (ages 9 to11)
Thursday, August 29, 2024 to April 24, 2025, 9am to 2pm
Non-Refundable Tuition: $850 or 4 monthly payments of $212.50 per semester, per student
Plus a $50 Non-Refundable Registration Fee OR $90 Family Fee for 2 or more students
$100 Non-Refundable Supply Fee per semester, per student
$250 Non-Refundable Deposit Per Semester, Per Student Upon Registration (goes towards semester fees and tuition)
FINE ART - Instructor: Ms. Sarah: This fine art course will focus on building art skills and
techniques. Students will learn about visual elements such as color and line, and work on
drawing from observation. We will look to examples of artists for inspiration. There will be
sketchbook work for them to do at home to reinforce what they are learning during class.
GARDENING & NATURE STUDIES - Instructor: Ms. Caitlyn and Ms. Jasmine:
Students will study a variety of plants, insects, vertebrates, and invertebrates that are native to
Florida. They will learn how our ecosystem works to support all of the living beings that reside
within it. They will be keeping a natural journal to help further their studies and enhance their
knowledge of the natural world around them.
SCIENCE OF FLORIDA - Instructor: Ms. Jen: Science is all around us, especially in such a
unique state as Florida! Florida’s diverse features will be a jumping off point for this class to
study a wide range of science topics. We’ll look at physical science through topics like ocean
waves and roller coasters; Earth science through our weather and geology; biology through
Florida’s animals and ecosystems; and more! We’ll anchor ourselves in real-life subjects and
the kids’ own experiences, but generalize them to fundamental science topics that will set a
basis for studying science in higher grades. Students who took biology with us in 2020-21 will
be able to build on the topics we introduced that year as we move into wider biological concepts like ecology and invasive species.
MOVEMENT/PHYSICAL EDUCATION - Instructor: Ms. Kaitlyn: It’s time to get our bodies moving and
shaking in this fun,stress-free movement based class. We will be exploring different types of
dance, outdoor activities, and playing some of our favorite PE games. Join us as we play games
such as 4 Square, Red Light Green Light, Kickball, SPUD, Capture the Flag, and more!
WORLD GEOGRAPHY - Instructor: Ms. Kaitlyn: Take a geographic journey around the world! Students will visit all seven continents through mapping activities, country studies, art projects, cultural studies, and more. Along the way, we will cover the basics of geography (map reading, use of an atlas, geographic terms).
Three snack times, and outdoor times, will be included throughout the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus. (PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE A NUT FREE FACILITY!)
Red Maples, Middle School 6th - 8th grade (ages 11 to 14)
Thursday, August 29, 2024 to April 24, 2025, 9am to 2pm
Non-Refundable Tuition: $900 or 4 monthly payments of $225 per semester, per student
Plus a $50 Non-Refundable Registration Fee OR $90 Family Fee for 2 or more students
$150 Non-Refundable Supply Fee per semester, per student
$250 Non-Refundable Deposit Per Semester, Per Student Upon Registration (goes towards semester fees and tuition)
GARDENING & HERBALISM - Instructor: Ms. Caitlyn and Ms. Jasmine: Students will
study a variety of plants, insects, vertebrates, and invertebrates that are native to Florida. They
will learn how our ecosystem works to support all of the living beings that reside within it. They
will be keeping a natural journal to help further their studies and enhance their knowledge of
the natural world around them. Students will also learn how certain plants can be beneficial to
aid in first aid, skin care, and health.
BOOK CLUB - Instructor: Ms. Dawn: We will explore the world of literature using the Brave
Writer recommended middle school book lists, their Big Juicy Discussion Questions which help
the students voice their opinions and perspectives about the works we are reading, and their
Tea Time Poetry practice which will introduce students to the joy of poetry. Students will be
exposed to a variety of literary works which may include “Wonder”, “The Lion, The Witch, and
The Wardrobe”, “The Nerviest Girl in the World”, “The Wild Robot”, and “Greenglass House”.
Students must read the chapters at home so that in class we can dive into the meaning,
character choices, plot movement, and everyday connections the literary works inspire. We will
cover a diverse spectrum of authors, content, creativity, classics, and contemporary literature
choices. **Mandatory homework of reading or listening to books at home.**
MOVEMENT/PHYSICAL EDUCATION: Instructor: Ms. Kaitlyn: It’s time to get our bodies moving & shaking in this fun,
stress-free movement based class. We will be exploring different types of dance, outdoor activities, and playing some of our favorite PE games. Join us as we play games such as 4 Square, Red Light Green Light, Kickball, SPUD, Capture the Flag, and more!
PHYSICAL SCIENCE - Instructor: Ms. Jen: What’s the chemistry in your laundry room? How can you invert a bucket of water over your head without getting wet? Why can’t you pinch your nose and hum at the same time? Physical science is the study of matter, energy, and the changes they undergo. This class covers a range of basic concepts in physics and chemistry, and sets students up to understand the underlying causes of complex phenomena. We will use lecture, discussion, hands-on activities, and basic scientific math to set students up for success in these fundamental subjects. Topics in chemistry will include matter, states of matter, elements, atoms, bonding, and chemical reactions. Topics in physics will include waves, sound, light, motion, forces, work, energy, magnetism, and electricity. The course will use the middle school textbook “Science Explorer: Physical Science”, and optional, differentiated weekly homework will be offered.
WORLD GEOGRAPHY - Instructor: Ms. Jen: Take a geographic journey around the world! Students will visit all seven continents through mapping activities, country studies, art projects, cultural studies, and more. Along the way, we will cover the basics of geography (map reading, use of an atlas, geographic terms). Families wishing to turn this into a complete social studies course will be provided with differentiated homework focusing on recognizing geography terms, using maps, and researching countries. Optional homework is required if using this class for a social studies credit.
Three snack times, and outdoor times, will be included throughout the day so that students have a natural balance of active play time and time to quietly focus. (PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE A NUT FREE FACILITY!)
Red Oaks, High School 9th grade and up (ages 14 to 18)
August 29, 2024 to April 24, 2025, 9am to 2pm
Non-Refundable Tuition: $1200 or 4 monthly payments of $300 per semester, per student
Plus a $50 Non-Refundable Registration Fee OR $90 Family Fee for 2 or more students
$100 Non-Refundable Supply Fee per semester, per student
$250 Non-Refundable Deposit Per Semester, Per Student Upon Registration (goes towards semester fees and tuition)
PHYSICAL SCIENCE - Instructor: Ms. Jen (90 minute class): This course is an
introduction to basic physics and chemistry which can serve as a foundational course for
a full study of physics and chemistry. The first semester will focus on early physics
concepts, including motion, forces, work, and waves. The second semester will focus on
early chemistry concepts, including matter, atoms, the Periodic Table, types of elements,
bonds, and reactions.
Homework mainly consisting of pre-reading and comprehension questions will be required.
MOVEMENT/PHYSICAL EDUCATION - Instructor: Ms. Kaitlyn: (60 minute class):
It’s time to get our bodies moving & shaking in this fun, stress-free movement based class.
We will be exploring different types of dance, outdoor activities, and playing some of our
favorite PE games. Join us as we play games such as 4 Square, Red Light Green Light,
Kickball, SPUD, Capture the Flag, and more!
ANCIENT HISTORY - Instructor: Ms. Dawn (90 minute class): We will explore the
Ancient Worlds of Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, and Rome. Following the dramatic history
of the world’s first civilizations, we will explore the lives of the first farmers in the Middle
East and the rise of the mighty Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Greek, and Roman empires. Students will learn about what life was like in the ancient world, including their beliefs, cultures, architecture, and art. This class will cover a wide range of topics such as how writing was first developed, why Julius Caesar was murdered, the story of the Trojain Horse, and how a woman became an Egyptian pharaoh. Optional assignments will be offered for those using this class for a History credit.
There will be two 30 minutes snack/lunch/recess breaks outside in our courtyard and playground during the day. (PLEASE NOTE: WE ARE A NUT FREE FACILITY!)